Re: What's wrong with my kerning?
On a related note, if you need someone to start with critiquing your own work, start with my font proofs: https://github.com/DunwichType/DTF_Proofs1 -
Re: What's wrong with my kerning?
The problem isn’t the kerning. It’s that the letterforms are sloppy. You haven’t compensated for weight in complex letters like a and e. s is much too light in the middle, W is too wide, h is too nar…8 -
Re: Recent font legal disputes (or cost savings)
FWIW, Jonathan Hoefler disputed that Netflix was paying millions of dollars a year in licensing fees. “It’s worth noting that Jonathan Hoefler, founder of the Hoefler&Co type foundry that designe…2 -
Re: Numerals Critique
I love these. My only suggestion is to make the size of that little teardrop on 4 match the other little teardrops. I hope you decide to turn this into an entire typeface!1 -
Re: R.I.P.
How can we bloat our character sets without those otherwise useless glyphs? Well at least we can still list Norsk and Bokmål as different languages.4